
  1. RU1544153, 1993
  2. RU1614666, 1993
  3. RU1693567, 1993


  1. Aslanyan A. M., Goulyan A. G., Martirossyan R. M., Dallakyan A. S. Saakyan Yu. A., Badalyan E. G., Manaselyan Kh H. Modulation Radiometer at Wavelength 2 cm for Measuring of Effectivity of UHF Receiver System – Conf. “Radio Astronomy” Yerevan, 1985, p. 205.
  2. Manaselyan Kh. H., Sanamyan V. A., Ghulyan A. G., Martirosyan R. M., Atmospheric Anomalies Detected by Radio Astronomical Method before and after the Earthquakes on June 22 and September 2, 2002 in the Nort-Western Part of Iran, Abstracts, Book A, IUGG2003, June 30 – July 11, Sapporo, Japan, p. 193.
  3. Manaselyan Kh. H., Sanamyan V. A., Ghulyan A. G., Martirosyan R. M., On the Intensity Atmospheric Variations of Radio Emission from Galactic Background Observed during Eruptions of Nyirogongo and Etna Volcanoes, Abstracts, Book A, IUGG2003, June 30 – July 11, Sapporo, Japan, p. 193.
  4. Manaselyan Kh. H., Evoluation of Seismogenic Anomalies in Ionosphere by Radio Astronomical Method: First Approximation, Abstracts, Book A, IUGG2003, June 30 – July 11, Sapporo, Japan, p. 193.
  5. Manaselyan Kh. H., Estimation of Seismogenic Anomalies in Ionosphere by Radio Astronomical Method: First Approximation, Proc. of YISC, New Geometry of Nature, Kazan University Press, Vol. 1, “Mathematics and Physics”, pp. 289-293, 2003.
  6. Manaselyan Kh. H., Sanamyan V. A., Ghulyan A. G., Martirosyan R. M., Flux Density Variations of Cassiopea-A Radio Source, Astrofizika, 45, 3, 2002, pp. 443-449 (in Russian).
  7. Manaselyan Kh. H., Sanamyan V. A., Ghulyan A. G., Martirosyan R. M., Pirumyan H. A., Computer Processing Method of Phase Shifting in Radio Astronomy, Izvestia NAN Armenii, seria tex. nauk, vol. LVI, №3, 2003, (in Russian).
  8. Manaselyan Kh., Aslanyan A., Zohrabyan M., Petrosyan H., Adibekyan M., VHF Electromagnetic Precursors of Some Earthquakes Having taken place in the Iranian Region in November, 2003, 5th Asian Seismological Commission General Assembly, Session 5, Yerevan, 2004.
  9. Manaselyan Kh., Aslanyan A., Jamharyan R., Zohrabyan M., On Durations of VHF Earthquake Precursors Detected by Radio Astronomical Methods, 5th Asian Seismological Commission General Assembly, Session 5, Yerevan, 2004.
  10. Aslanyan A. Manaselyan Kh., Behavior of a Magnetic Dipole Freely Floating on Water Surface, The Icfai Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 2, No 1, pp. 61-66, 2008
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